Sunday, June 8, 2008

Mawaige is what bwings us togewver today

I recently watched The Princess Bride can you tell?
princess bride
I freakin love that movie....anyway, there is a point to this blog. Today or should I say good friend Ashleigh got married today. I'm so happy for her, she seems to found a perfect match for her and I am so thrilled.
I'm not going to lie though, I am also quite envious. This isn't the first time I have been envious of her, she also had boyfriends before I did and had her first kiss before I did...this was back in like jr high/early high school, but still. And I don't like being envious and I am TRULY happy and excited for her.
I guess the thing is, I really do want to be married, well at least engaged....heck I'd be happy with a relationship in general. I don't want it with just anyone though. Everyone seems to have this idea that I am going to run off and get married to the first guy that asks me, um soooo not the case, as much as I love the song Last Name by Carrie Underwood, and I have professed I secretly in a way want to live out that song....I really don't. I guess because people see me wanting to be married to one person...or have seen me wanting to be married to this one person, for so long that they believe I'll run off a marry some shmoe. I thought he was the one..completely different situation.
However, I do still want to be married and do feel frustrated that I am single in my 20s. Yes I know...I'm too young to be married, I will change so much, I am not ready....
I'm not ready? Really? You are the judge of my readiness why? HOw come other people my age and younger are able to get married? Why is it ok for them? I'm a pretty mature person for my age...yes I still have many things to experience, but still...I mean even academically I am ahead for my age. I've always been ahead.
I realize my dream of becoming a wife and mother (yes, my dream, because really all I've ever wanted to be is a wife and mother, my whole life, I knew that is who I wanted to be.) will happen in God's timing. I realize that. I don't like God's timing so far, but what can I do?
I would like people to stop telling me that I am too young. I'm not too young, I'm not, if I were too young, other people my age would not be getting married at the rate they are.
Anyway, I'm frustrated and tired...btw...if you ever think it's a good idea to take a philosophy's not, trust me.

Words of Wisdom:
Don't listen to other people's input on your life choices that are based upon your's just frustrating. And remember 1 Timothy 4:12

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I'm Abby and I have experiences that I feel will give others "empirical" knowledge (thanks philosophy 101) and I'm pretty cool. If you know me, congratulations...if you don't too bad for you. :( Get to know me.