Monday, August 25, 2008

Frustrations, life, and Flagstaff

So I'm finally back in Flagstaff for my last semester actually taking classes at NAU. I am so happy to be back here, but I am also let down in some ways. I guess I thought things would be a bit different than I expected. I guess I expected some things to be different and they're not and it's frustrating. I suppose I am kind of lonely. Thats not really it, but that is the best way to describe it. I love my friends though, and I am so glad to be back here with them.

I find the best remedy to my frustrations is to run and talk with God. So I went running along the Urban trail and talked with God. I probably should've been listening more, but I was pretty upset and just needed to vent. I'm trying to listen better now though.
Can I just say that I find nothing more pleasurable than running in God's creation in Flagstaff. It rained today too and so the trees smelled like vanilla and I could smell like that earthy smell that permeates throughout the woods after a good rain. I loved it. Its makes me wonder if I really do want to leave Flagstaff. Plus its not just anywhere that you can run and find a view like this:

Ok so there is no snow up there right now, but you get the picture...which reminds me, now that I am back in flag, I NEED to start taking more photos again.
Anyway, I'm glad I went on my run and talked with God, and continue to. I do not understand what He is doing and I'm frustrated because I don't understand and it seems so unfair, but He does know better than we do. I guess I still have to keep pressing on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's safe to say your a real runner now.

welcome to the life style

About Me

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I'm Abby and I have experiences that I feel will give others "empirical" knowledge (thanks philosophy 101) and I'm pretty cool. If you know me, congratulations...if you don't too bad for you. :( Get to know me.