Sunday, November 16, 2008

I just need a rant

Yesterday, my mom and I were out shopping in Flagstaff, because my mom loves me and she wants to buy things for me. Anyway, our friend Barb texted my mom telling her that the Highland High School (my alma mater) marching band wasn't going to be playing in the Gilbert Days parade because a student had been killed in a car accident involving a drunk driver. The girl was only 16 when she was taken. I didn't know her personally, but people I know knew her and she is from my high school...and it saddens me her life was taken so senselessly and suddenly. This is my rant.
Too many times people are killed by drunk drivers. TOO MANY. This issue has affected me personally and it breaks my heart when I hear of another young person taken because someone thought it was a good idea to get in a car after drinking. Who in their right mind would think it is ok to get in a car after they've been drinking? Honestly? We all know alcohol impairs judgement, so why do we get in cars after it? What gets me even more is that the driver that hit this girl and her brother was impaired at 6:30 in the MORNING! Who drinks in the morning? Obviously, they have a pathetic life and they are more pathetic for letting their pathetic lives cause them to take the life of a young girl and forever change an entire family. My heart breaks for the family, because I know what it's like to lose a loved one so suddenly like that.

Basically, just don't drink and drive, get a cab, call a friend, have a DD or responsible, it is not that hard.

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I'm Abby and I have experiences that I feel will give others "empirical" knowledge (thanks philosophy 101) and I'm pretty cool. If you know me, congratulations...if you don't too bad for you. :( Get to know me.