Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I hate

when I can't sleep....

Especially when the reason is because I have too many things on my mind and on my heart. And I can't get the off of my mind and especially not off my heart.

To do that would be suicide. (figuratively speaking)

I wish I had someone, like physically here, that I could just confess all my feelings and thoughts to and they would just sit and listen and not judge me and just offer real feedback.
And I wouldn't have to fear of embarrassment.
or judgement. or be told I am wrong in every sort of way possible. or told that I am crazy.

I really feel annoying sometimes, or that something is inherently wrong with me that people just don't like about me and I am not sure what it is.
Maybe I am just paranoid.
But lately I do feel like I am invisible
and I just want to be noticed. Like REALLY noticed.
Why can't I be the girl that stands out? What do I do or say or look like that makes me so invisible or whatever....I don't know if you could call it invisiblity.

These were all just random thoughts firing in my head...hopefully now I can sleep.
I sure hope so. My brain needs to shut down for a while. I overthink.

Way too often.


Katie said...

I don't know if this helps at all, but one day I realized I couldn't say that I loved who I was. If I can't love who I am, then how can I become better, or love other people in whole? So, that's what I am working on. If God can love imperfect me, than so can I. I think we're supposed to.

Abby Gail said...

You're so right Katie

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I'm Abby and I have experiences that I feel will give others "empirical" knowledge (thanks philosophy 101) and I'm pretty cool. If you know me, congratulations...if you don't too bad for you. :( Get to know me.