Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sex and Chocolate

So, today my mind was having fantastical usual. And I began thinking about how lately I have been craving nothing but chocolate or something sweet and how it is almost impossible for me to not give into that temptation of finding something gooey, chocolately and amazing to stuff in my face. However, I know that if or more accurately, when I do actually eat that amazing, gooey, chocolately piece of heaven, I am going to immediately realize and regret it. Why? Because I know it is not good for me, and I know that it is going to just go straight to my hips. (Yay me!) So why do I continue to do it? Because at the time I think that if I don't give in, my craving is just going to stay with me and never ever ever ever leave until I give in. However, this is not true in reality.

I realized today, that this must be what men feel like in regards to sex. I think it is hard for women to understand what a power sex has over men, married and unmarried. So I guess the best way to understand it, is to put it in the context of our own cravings. IE:
chocolate is to girls as sex is to boys

like my analogy?
Anyway, as a single, christian woman, dating single, christian men, it is important for me to remember this, and have that affect how I dress and act. Because how I look or act can be like that piece of chocolate on the counter, tempting me to just take a little bite.....soon that little bite becomes the whole container of ice cream gone and the chocolate syrup bottle is half empty.
I dunno, maybe I am off and please feel free to correct me. These are just random thoughts that run through my mind.


Katie said...

I think that's a great analogy Abby. We do need to be careful with what we say and how we dress. If we respect ourselves, then we can be respected by others. I have always been conservative in that area and no guy has ever tried to take advantage of me!

Diana said...



About Me

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I'm Abby and I have experiences that I feel will give others "empirical" knowledge (thanks philosophy 101) and I'm pretty cool. If you know me, congratulations...if you don't too bad for you. :( Get to know me.